You Can Better Care For Cats With These Simple To Follow Tips |

You Can Better Care For Cats With These Simple To Follow Tips

We all love our cats, but sometimes they don’t have the best behavior. Cat will often wander around the house doing whatever they feel like, and this may sometimes cause damage to your home. If you would like to know how to keep your cat’s behavior in check, read this article.

Cats love to squeeze into tiny spaces. If they’ve got a collar on, this may put them in danger as it can get stuck. A collar that will breakaway is the best idea for safety. This could help save your cat if it gets caught in a tight spot.

Make a free toy for your cat by placing a little dry rice or a few dry beans inside an empty pill bottle. Close the lid and roll the rattly toy across the floor. Most cats can’t resist the sound and motion. You can also tie a length of twine around the neck of the bottle to make a pull toy or a dangly toy.

Never have your cat declawed. Many people misunderstand declawing, thinking it is the simple removal of a cat’s nail. This is not true. In fact, the veterinarian must remove the top knuckle along with the claw during the procedure. This can result in arthritis pain later in life and many behavior problems, such as biting. There are many alternatives from scratching posts to glue-on claw caps that can protect your belongings from a cat’s claws without resorting to such a harsh surgical solution.

Make sure you have a good pet carrier or basket for transporting your cats from one location to the next. A proper carrier or basket should have enough room for them to turn around in comfortably. It should also be easy to clean. Make sure that it is lined with a blanket, cushion, or towel to help it stay comfortable and cozy for them when traveling.

Do you have both a cat and dog? A dog may enjoy eating your cat’s food when he has the chance to do so. This is why it’s important that the cat’s feeding area is in a spot that’s too high for a dog to get to. Separate eating spaces are a must to avoid fights between your pets.

A cat’s nails can grow really quickly. They sharpen their nails by scratching on different surfaces like a scratching post. You can help avoid your cat destroying your furniture by clipping their nails often. This will help to discourage your cat from scratching at different things around your house.

Do not try to bathe a kitten that is less than four weeks old. It is not very easy for a young kitten to regulate the temperature of their body. This may result in the kitten getting a chill. To be on the safe side you should wait between 12 and 16 weeks after they are born to bathe them for the first time.

Most veterinarians recommend that you feed your cat food that is in the can as opposed to the dry varieties in the box or bag. This is because the canned food contains more water, fat and protein than the dry variety. It is also easier to consume for cats with dental issues.

If you suspect that your cat is pregnant, make an appointment with the vet as soon as you can to make sure that is really the case. There are a few serious illnesses that can mimic pregnancy, so you want to make sure that none of these has affected your cat.

When your cat first gives birth to her kittens, resist the urge to pick them up. This is a crucial time for kittens to bond with their mother and learn some basics, so leave them alone. You should be able to have more interaction with the kittens after about a week.

Make sure that you change your cat’s food and water on a regular basis. Just like humans, cats want to eat fresh food and drink water that is clean. Feed them at the same time each and every day if you want them to get into a regular feeding routine.

If your cat is nursing a litter of kittens, it is vital that she have plenty of food and water near her nesting area. Mother cats are very protective, and do not want to leave their kittens for long lengths of time. Your cat can become dehydrated or malnourished just because she does not want to leave her kittens to eat and drink.

To keep your cat using the litter box, always keep it clean. No matter what kind of scented or special formula litters you may use, nothing is a substitute for removing clumps and used litter several times a day. Keep your litter box in a quiet area of your home.

If your cat seems excessively thirsty, take him to the veterinarian to get him checked out. Excessive thirst is a common symptom of diabetes in cats, and this often missed diagnosis can cause serious complications if left untreated. Always keep a close eye on your furry friend’s water intake, and if you are concerned get him to the doctor to have a look.

If you have a long haired cat, regular grooming is an essential tool. Grooming helps to keep your kitty clean and well cared for. It can help to prevent shedding and skin disease too. While bathing your cat is not required more than every so often, make sure to brush him daily and tend to any mats in his coat.

As stated before, cat essentially have a mind of their own. Their innocent in their actions, as they have no ill will, but they can sometimes do things that are displeasing. If you don’t like the behavior, you don’t have to put up with it. Use the given advice and change things.


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