Can Can Be A Lot Of Fun When You Have Great Tips |

Can Can Be A Lot Of Fun When You Have Great Tips

Are you looking for a pet? Do you want a warm companion to keep you company on cold wintery nights? If you answered yes, then you should consider getting a cat. They are the perfect pets and they are pretty easy to care for. You can learn more about caring for them in the following advice.

Set up a nice, warm and comfortable area for your cat to rest in your home. It should be lined with a warm towel or blanket. Make sure to wash the bedding regularly since it can acquire dust, dander, and anything from outside if your cat is an outdoor cat.

For a healthier, happier cat choose plain litter over scented litter. Cats like nice, clean, clumping cat litter. Scoop your cats litter box daily and change it completely every three days or so. When you change the box, wash it out with water and dish soap. Don’t waste your money on liners as cats tend to destroy them.

An indoor cat who gets a taste of the outdoors will forever want to go outside. If you know your cat will always be an indoor cat, do your best to keep them from sneaking out. You can try to train your cat to stay in your yard when you are outside.

It is a good idea to microchip your cat. Indoor cats can slip out an open door. Collars and tags can help get your cat home, however cats are experts at wiggling out of these, not to mention the risk they pose if they were to get snagged on a bush or tree branch. A microchip is about the size of a grain of rice and can hold all of your contact information. Most vets and all shelters can scan these chips to get your contact information and there is no risk of losing the chip.

Should you leave the house with your cat, make sure that she is wearing a collar with tags. This way, if anything happens and you two become separated, anyone can find her and know how to reach you. Your cat may not like the collar all the time, but when she’s out of the house it can save her.

Cats like to chase birds and catch them. This helps cats to build and deliver crucial hunting skills. But what if you have an indoor cat? You can find cat toys at the pet store that will help you simulate a bird flying around. Your cat will love it, and love you for it.

Cats can really be so much more than pets, they can be lifelong companions. It has been proven that cats can decrease your blood pressure, lessen the symptoms of depression and help you to live a longer happier life. If you feel like something is missing in your life, you might just need a cat.

Are you the proud owner of both a cat and dog? Dogs often take advantage of dining on the cat’s food. This is why you should have a feeding area for your cat that is too high for the dog to reach. This can prevent squabbles over water when their food is gone.

There are a lot of cats that are overweight. An obese cat can end up developing health problems such as arthritis or diabetes. If your cat could stand to lose a pound or two, try cutting back their food a little bit at each feeding. You can also buy some toys and encourage your cat to play and exercise.

Do not try to hold a cat when they are clearly trying to get away. This will not make the cat feel any closer to you and it may prompt them to start avoiding you in the future. Pick the cat up gently and lay him across your lap. If you feel him wiggling to get away, let him go.

If you have more than one cat, you should have as many litter boxes as you have cats. If too many cats have to share the same litter box, it can mean disaster! The cats may choose not to share their eliminating space, instead, using other areas, such as clean laundry or hidden corners of the home to do their business.

Pay attention if your cat won’t use their litter box. There are a number of health issues that can lead a well-trained cat to urinate in places other than their litter box. These problems are generally related to the kidneys and/or bladder. If your cat stops going in the litter box, a call to the vet is in order.

Never make the choice of giving your cat human medication. Go to a vet if there are problems, don’t self diagnose. Giving your cat your medication can actually cause your pet serious harm.

If you are bringing a new kitten into a home with one or more cats, purchase an extra litter box so that your other cats do not have to share right away. It may take some time for your established cats to become used to the new scent in the house.

Put sticky tape on furniture. A bit of sticky tape on your cat’s favorite scratching spot can quickly make the act less enjoyable for them. Some companies make tape specifically for this purpose. You should also give your cat a favorable alternative by purchasing a scratching post.

When looking for a new kitty, do not forget to check your local shelters to find your friend. Shelters are overrun with cats, and many are put to sleep on a regular basis because they do not have homes. These cats make great companions, and they are very much in need of loving homes.

Now that you know how to care for a cat, you should have no problems getting one. A cat can do wonders for your life. It can provide you with plenty of hours of companionship. Heed the advice given here and you’ll have a friendly companion that will never leave your side.


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