Caring For Your Cat: Tips And Tricks |

Caring For Your Cat: Tips And Tricks

Cats are quickly overtaking dogs as mans best friend. Cats are incredibly intelligent and built for agile maneuvering along any unusual environment you can imagine. Having such an awesome pet means that they are that much harder to keep entertained during their day. This article will provide only the most awesome techniques for entertaining the most awesome cats.

Let kittens and cat-friendly pet dogs get to know each other slowly. Put up a baby gate to keep dogs in one room while your new kitten gets used to its surroundings. Supervise carefully when the kitten ventures to the gate to meet the dogs. When the kitten feels safe, it will climb the gate. If it feels threatened, it will pop right back out to safety.

As your cat gets older, changes in behavior may signal pain. If your cat doesn’t like to jump or climb any more, it may be in pain. If your cat stops taking care of grooming or stops using its litter box, pain may be the cause. Be sure to have your older cat checked out by your vet if you notice behavior changes.

Keep your cat’s coat healthy by giving them a supplement of nutritional yeast. Nutritional yeast is an inexpensive supplement that can be found in most health food stores. Simply sprinkle a little bit on your cat’s dry food, or mix it in with their wet food. Not only do they love how it tastes, but it’s full of protein and vitamins that will keep them looking their best!

Get a scratching post to keep your cat from tearing up your carpet. If you can, get a post that does not have the same type of carpet that is on the floor of your home, so your cat doesn’t associate the two. Instead, get a post that is covered in cardboard, sisal, or thick rope.

Cats are partially nocturnal. This means nighttime is an active time for your cat. Close your bedroom door if your cat is driving you nuts at night. It also protects your toes from those crafty midnight pounces.

If you want to have your cat for many years, it is a good idea to keep them indoors. While a cat may enjoy going outside, it is statistically proven that outdoor cats live shorter lives than indoor cats. There are dangers to a cat that spends time outside, not least of all other animals.

Having a hard time giving your cat a bath? Try this. Take an old window screen and put it in your sink or bathtub. Put your cat in, and he will claw the screen and stay there. Then start washing, but do don’t dilly dally. Use a cup to help you to pour warm water on your cat unless you have a movable shower head.

If you want a cat that is well-behaved and not prone to biting and scratching, make sure that you do not try to adopt one when it is too young. It takes 12-16 weeks for a kitten to learn proper cat behavior from their mom and all of their siblings.

It is important that you do not feed your cat too much food from the table. Cats do not digest human food the same way that your does. It can also lead to your cat becoming overweight. If your cat is carrying around too much weight, it will be hard for them to jump up on furniture and get around.

The chances are good that your cat will come running for their favorite treat. There are many different recipes out there specifically for homemade cat treats. This is a fun way to spoil your cat. There is also the benefit of knowing what exactly your cat is consuming, to ensure that it is healthy for them.

Most cats love to lounge right on your lap. As cozy as this can be, it is not always convenient. If your cat has a favorite spot, such as on your lap at the computer it can be hard to get things done. Getting a pet bed for your cat and perching it right next to your chair can help satisfy your cats need to be near you.

When you introduce a new cat into your home, you have to be careful with how your other cat reacts. Try giving the new cat a little space in one room at first, and then introduce him to the rest of the house. Make sure to have different litter boxes at first too. If you ease the new cat in, it will go more smoothly for everyone.

Feed a kitten proper food. A developing kitten survives exclusively on their mother’s milk for the first four weeks, a commercial formula if the mother isn’t around. When moving to regular food, feed them specially formulated kitten food until they reach maturity at the age of one. Kittens need plenty of protein while they are developing.

If you are adding a kitten to a household that already contains a dog, it is important to socialize the kitten to the dog at an early age. At first, constant supervision is essential. Let the kitten and dog spend time together while you hold the kitten, letting them explore and get used to each other’s smells. When socialized early, cats and dogs can live happily and peacefully together.

At least one of the above ideas should keep your cat entertained on those rainy nights. Try to work it as an activity the both of you can partake in. Playing games with your cat teaches it that the two of you can have an exciting time together while keeping it active and healthy.


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